Monday, March 4, 2013

Seeking to See Him Every Day

First week counting...
                       when I share entries from my Gratitude Journal
2011-new lights for the kitchen
2012- a poinsettia that's still blooming
2013- a surprise gift in the mail
2014- lavender scented soap
2015- listening to him sleep
2016- red flannel pajamas
2017- snuggling puppies
2018- butter pecan milkshakes with dad
2019- Birthday celebrations
2020- Valentine's candy in a heart shaped box
2021- pruned fruit trees
2022- thank you cards
2023- bracelets with silver hearts
2024- snow flurries
2025- a hot shower
2026- walking with the dogs down to the pond to feed the fish
2027- baby's breath in blue pottery
2028- love notes on heart shaped post-its
2029- pink sunrise
2030- a single red rose in a bud vase
2031- help from Kenzie at my training meeting
2032- lunch at PF Changs
2033- having Dad and Yvonne as house guests
2034- a "sister call" for pimento cheese recipe
2035- sharing ideas with a room full of primary teachers
2036-a clean desk
2037- warming my hands over the toaster
2038- a taste of summer on bread (strawberry jam)
2039- being tucked into bed when you're sick
2040- an "accident free" day for the puppies
"Life is this simple:We are living in a world  that is absolutely transparent, and God is
shining through it all the time. This is not just a fable or a nice story.  It is true.  If we 
abandon ourselves to God and forget ourselves, we see it sometimes, and we see
it maybe frequently.  God shows Himself everywhere, in everything - in people
and in things and in nature and in events... we cannot be without Him.  It's impossible.
The only thing is, we don't  see it."
Thomas Merton


  1. Love your pictures! You're getting so good.

  2. I love your quote, its so true. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Hi--I am John & Cindy Watson's oldest daughter. I know we saw each other around church whenever we were visiting in Hendersonville, but I didn't think you probably knew my married name. Anyway, I saw a link to your blog on facebook and had to come over and check it out. After reading some of your posts I can see why my mother loved you so much. (And I hope you know that she did!) I am completely inspired by this post. We've had a difficult 18 months (job loss, move across the country) and I think I am at a point where I need to work more diligently on seeing the thanks!
