Tuesday, January 15, 2013

2013 Possiblities

I can hardly believe it's the fifteenth of January and I'm just now getting around to talking about my hopes and dreams for the new year.  Ordinarily, I would've jumped on this two weeks ago, because this is the kind of thing I love to do!  I have thought about it and a number of other "beginning of the year" posts, but there are simply not enough hours in the day to do all my heart desires. Blogging is a "heart desire", but not at the top of the priority list.  Sister Julie Beck (one of my spiritual mentors) taught an important lesson on balancing our lives, when she was the General Relief Society President.  I won't quote her, because I don't have her exact words, but this was the basic idea.  We should categorize our activities in the following way; essential things, necessary things, and "nice to do" things.  Essential things are the activities that I need to do to bring me closer to Heavenly Father and help me to become more like Him.  This would include scripture study and prayer, service, temple worship, partaking of the sacrament. These are essential and must be done first, because they can easily be pushed aside in the rush of a busy life.  The necessary things, are the duties I must attend to that keep my world operating and allow me to be with the most important people in my life.  Things like, spending time with my husband and other family members, keeping my home clean and comfortable, preparing healthy meals, tending to my health, being a good steward over the gifts I've been given are examples of necessary activities in my life.  There are a lot of things that fall into this category, from doing laundry to exercising and shopping, carting away the garbage and recycling and gardening.  Pretty soon, it will include training puppies!  The last area is the "nice to do" things.  This includes blogging, having lunch with friends, getting a massage, taking a road trip, enrolling in classes, watching tv, reading...   I could go on and on with this, because these are the really fun things I love to do.   According to Sister Beck, she found that when she prioritized her time in this way, the most important things were accomplished and she was always amazed at how many of the "nice to do" things she was able to fit in to her life.  Following her teachings, I try my best to organize my schedule this way.  And I've found it to be a true principle.  When we put the Lord first in our lives, everything else seems to find it's proper place.  He seems to bless my time, so that I can do the things that are essential and necessary and still have time to do the fun things I enjoy.  So, if I'm not in this space as often as in the past, just know I'm probably up to my eyeballs with the essentials and necessaries.  And I'll return as soon as I have some time for the "nice to do's".

This year I've moved away from making resolutions, which can seem to put so much pressure on a person, to making a list of possibilities for the new year.  I like the sound of that better.  These are the things I hope will be a part of my life in 2013.

2013 Possibilities
* Take a photography class.  I think it's time I get some real training with my camera.  I have lots of fun snapping shots and every now and then I think I end up with a great picture, but it's pure luck.  I keep my camera on auto mode and let it make all the decisions for me.  I need to put it on manual and accept some responsibility for the photos I take.

*Section hike on the AT.  I really, really want to hike the Appalachian Trail.  The only way for me to accomplish this goal is to choose a section and work on it.  This year, I hope to hike the section through Georgia.  I have sons who have hiked this and are close by to help me make plans.  I realize that hiking the trail this way will take years, but no time like the present to get started, right?

* Learn to make challah.    I love the idea of having special foods for the sabbath.  Many Jewish people eat challah on the sabbath and other holy days.  It's a beautiful braided bread that's a feast for the eyes as well as the tummy.  I want to learn to make it myself.

*Slow down.  This one doesn't need explaining, does it?

* Visit Kirtland, Ohio.  Somehow, I've missed this one on my quest to visit church historical sites, and since we're studying church history this year, I've decided it's a good time to go.

* Eat asparagus from my garden.   Last year it was hard to see it grow and leave it in the ground, but this is the third year, so according to all my gardening resources, I should be able to harvest all I want.  I can't wait!

*Knit.  I don't know what it will be, but I have to spend more time on this skill if I want to master it.  I really enjoy knitting, when I feel like I know what I'm doing and not messing up all the time.  I need to practice, practice, practice.

*Be more charitable. I know that's vague and not at all a SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, timely) goal.  But I'm focusing on charity this year in every aspect of my life and am sure to share more about that in later posts.  Charity is my word for the year too.  Remember, how I choose a word for the year?  You can read about my word for the last two years here.

*Clean out my basement.  It's horrible and even though I don't have to look at it every day, I know what's down there and it's messing with my peace of mind.  Out of sight, out of mind doesn't work for me.

*Spend more time with people I love.  When it's all said and done, it's the relationships with people we love that will matter.  This year I don't want to be too busy to make memories.

That's it.  My list of possibilities for this new year. 
I'm looking forward to each new day.

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