Monday, June 17, 2013

These Things Bring Me Joy!

First week counting...
                                    when I share entries from my Gratitude Journal

*Ok.  So maybe I'm just a little behind.
3026- time to be with those who matter most
3027- sweet treat from Kenzie
3028- purple iris
3029- waking up to the sound of gently falling rain
3030- muffin tins filled with strawberry goodness
3031- learning something new to do with needle and thread
3032- ice cream truck melody
3033- lessons in tossing pizza
3034- peonies in vases
3035- wedding cake, flowers and candles hanging from trees
3036- a pleasant seat mate on a long flight
3037- daddy daughter cake decorating session
3038- lively card games
3039- sound of a backyard waterfall
3040- visiting with friends from Israel trip
3041- pretty traveling bouquet from my husband
3042- praying with my sister
3043- a beautiful bride
3044- dancing with my dad
3045- a motivating relief society lesson taught by a friend
3046- jars of beets
3047- Sunday stroll
3048- salad from the garden
3049- walking through aisles of fabric and finally
choosing the perfect hue
3050- hanging aprons waiting for use
3051-kneading bread
3052- new recipes to try at home
3053- sitting in the celestial room with a dear friend
3054- the aroma of fresh bread greeting you when you 
walk into the house
3055- PF Changs lunch
3056- napping in the sun
3057- a blue, blue sky
3058- conversation around the sewing machine
3059- deliciously messy burgers
3060- a new, made by loving hands dress, to wear to church
3061- morning walk in the canyon
3062- stromboli lesson
3063- a power nap
3064- enjoying the evening in a lovely back yard
3065- colorful yarn for a new project
3066- lost items - found!
3067- hiking in the snow
3068- hotdogs and baseball
3069- thrift store bargains
3070- Cafe Rio with the Sagers
3071- gelato in a cup
3072- knitting with Sherri
3073- puppets
3074- roses that smell like roses
3075- safe trip home

"You will be most remembered- by what brought you most joy."
Ann Voskamp

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