Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Spring Fever: Daybook Entry

Outside my window: Sunshine and blue skies!  Still a trace of white fluffy spots in the back yard.  For the longest time we thought these were patches of snow that hadn't melted.  But after a number of warm days, we noticed they weren't disappearing.  Upon investigation, I realized my "snowy patches" were really the contents of a pillow that the dogs had pulled off the deck.  I'm sure they had a heck of a time dismantling it and spreading the stuffing all over the back yard.  Of course, they did this some time when I wasn't watching.  Sneaky dogs.  Anyway, it's taken me a while to get it cleaned up.  All that bending over is hard on the back.

I am wearing:  jeans, light blue henley shirt and tennis shoes.

I am listening to: Other than the background noise of running appliances, silence.  I love it.

I am thankful for: warmer days, walks with the dogs, riding through the mountains with the sun roof opened, buds on the trees, green shoots of spring bulbs and the sounds of spring peepers at the pond. Yes, I'm so thankful for spring.  It's been a long, hard winter.

Around the house: spring cleaning has begun.  I'm decluttering in a big way.  Each week during Lent, I'm filling bags (plastic grocery size bags), to give or throw away.  So far, I've filled seven bags.  It's amazing to me that I can take out a bag, walk through my house and within minutes find "stuff" that I no longer need or want.  And I haven't even started in the basement yet!  I'm a purger, not a hoarder, so I do this on a regular basis, and somehow I can always find more.  Where does all our "stuff" come from?
In the garden: today I will order the berries for planting.  At the end of last year, I had all my raspberries and blackberries ripped out.  They weren't doing so well and I wasn't crazy about the varieties that I  had.  This year, I'm planting thornless blackberries and large red raspberries.  That's it.  The fruit trees need pruning and I'm hoping that will happen this week.  I have raised beds that need to be worked and prepared for planting, asparagus and garlic to check on.  Soon I can plant onions and potatoes.  And maybe even some lettuce...  This warm weather has me thinking about digging in the dirt.

I'm not a fan: of daylight savings time.  As I get older, my body doesn't adapt as well.  What's with that?

I'm loving:  Mrs. Meyer's Lemon Verbena Laundry Detergent and Dryer Sheets.  I've grown tired of making my own detergent and happened to pick this up last week.  Oh my goodness.  It smells so wonderful it makes me want to do laundry.  I still have all the supplies in my basement to whip up some detergent if I need it, but for now, I'm enjoying Mrs. Meyers.  

I am reading:  Simplifying the Soul, The Lessons of St Fancis, Act in Doctrine and Walden - all my Lenten reading.  I have a few others things going, but these are the ones I'm spending the most time in lately.  Whenever I open one of these books and start reading, it's like taking a deep, relaxing breath.  Very calming.
I am creating:  Almost finished with a lovely scarf I started a month ago.  This is record time for me. My new Caspian needles and the color and feel of this yarn have encouraged me to spend more time knitting.  

I am learning:  about wedding planning.  I'm trying to be as much help as I can to Travis and Rebecca, and really, I know nothing about this.  They have chosen a lovely place in the mountains for their ceremony and I walked over the property with them yesterday.  But there is so much to think about- details, details.  Whew!

From the kitchen:  This week I'm not grocery shopping.  We're eating what we have and being grateful for it.  I'm digging into the freezer and trying to eat food in storage.   The decluttering project has found its way to my cabinets and pantry too.  
30 Day Challenge:  My challenge for February was to join the YMCA in town and begin taking some group exercise classes.  I've been a solo exerciser for years, but recently have decided it might be fun to join in with others.  I try to attend two pilates classes a week and then I take Yin Yoga on Friday.  It's my reward for making it through pilates.  I love, love, love the yoga class!  We won't talk about pilates.   I've been on the weight machines and the elliptical a little too.  I'm enjoying being a member of the Y.    My challenge for March is making and drinking healthy smoothies.   Doesn't sound like too much of a challenge, does it?

Family News:  Did I mention we're working on wedding plans?

I am pondering: This right here.  So many wonderful thoughts here.  And I agree with them.  But how to make it happen?   Simplifying and slowing down...

I am hoping: to take an excursion to the beach for my birthday.  It's in the planning stages- somewhere I've never been before.  I need to explore a new place and have an adventure.   It's been too long.  I feel stagnant.

Living my faith:  This is the season of Lent.  You can go here to read how I feel about this time of year and why I choose to observe it, even though my church community does not.  I look forward to this time as a spring cleaning for the soul.  It's not just about giving something up, it's also about giving more to spiritual disciplines that help draw you closer to Christ.  I've been fighting to shake a period of depression that's been hanging on too long.  It could be the winter blues, but I'm not sure.  I'm seeking peace and answers to nagging questions.  I know there's something I'm supposed to be learning through this experience and I feel as though I'm starting to work through some of it.  Making the time for more prayer and solitude helps.  

A few plans for the rest of the week:  Hair day tomorrow (oh boy!), planning a day to the temple on Thursday, Stake Conference on Saturday evening and Sunday, and lots of outdoor work, weather permitting.  Some nice things to look forward to.

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