Thursday, May 10, 2012

Starting Fresh

Well here we go.  I've been thinking about this first post and trying to get up the nerve to put some words down for days now.  Why am I nervous?  Because I'm always nervous when I start a new journal. Something about all those blank pages, clean and full of potential.  I almost don't want to write anything for fear I'll mess it up by saying stupid things.  Getting started and finishing can be tough for me.  The in between, I'm ok with.  This blog is an electronic journal and even though I can't flip through the pages like I do with a paper journal, I've been enjoying just looking at the blank screen with that beautiful banner across the top.

Speaking of the banner, what do you think?  I love it!!!  I knew I wanted to do something new and different from last year and I kinda knew in my mind what I wanted it to look like.  Unfortunately, I had no idea how to do it.  However, I just happen to have someone staying in my house right now who knew exactly how to do it.  That eldest son of mine is super smart when it comes to computer stuff.  I watched in amazement as he sorted through my pictures and made the logo.  I tried to watch and learn from him while he worked, but honestly, I'm never going to be as proficient with computers as he is and you know what, I've decided I'm ok with that.  Sometimes it's just better to get someone else to do things for you, especially if they are really good at what they do.  So, thank you, thank you, thank you to Travis for sitting at the kitchen counter for hours working with me to make my blog exactly how I had envisioned it to be.  That was a nice Mother's Day gift, don't you think?   And when it was all finished he said, "Mom, I think this blog looks like you."  Perfect, because of course that's what I wanted.

Now let's talk about the name of the blog, Count it all Joy.  I've really struggled with coming up with a name. I had ideas from others (thanks friends) as to what I might call it.  I liked what I heard, but they didn't seem to pin down exactly what I was hoping to do here.  I ran across the  phrase, count it all joy, when I was reading in the scriptures one morning.  It's from the book of James (1:2)  and it's a reminder to count everything joy - even the afflictions that we face in life.   I may have been guilty of only showing the positive on MYOF blog, but my life is just as messy as everyone elses, quite possibly more so.  I plan to be "real" here so it won't be all happy, happy.  But there will be plenty of that too!  And I hope that as I record my days, I'll be learning how to "count it all joy".  That's my goal.  As with my previous blog, there's sure to be plenty of pictures, and with my new format, I can make them nice and big!

I have to tell you it's kind of a relief not to be working on 50 goals right now.  Don't get me wrong.  I loved that project and the blessings that came as a result of focusing on all those goals.  But now I have a few select things that I want to work on and somehow that feels nice, very calming.  I'm sure I'll be sharing those along the way.  I've had a lot going on that I want to tell you.  We have new bees, the gardens are in and I turned a year older.  I'll be posting soon on some of these things.  So come back and join me as I begin my journey to count it all joy.  I just love new beginnings.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hooray for you. I absolutely love the name. The look is very professional but still casual. You and Travis did an awesome job.

    Congratulations on your bees and getting your garden planted. Thank you for all that you share.

  3. How absolutely exciting!!! I'm looking forward to being a follower. Yay Travis for being so creative and technical. It's beautiful. Love you!

  4. I love the banner. As soon as the page loaded I audibly said "Woah!". Look forward to "talking" to you through this blog!
