Monday, August 6, 2012

Praising Him For His Goodness

First Monday counting...
                       when I share entries from my Gratitude Journal
1711- peach smoothie
1712- parking lot visit
1713- zucchini flower soup from Susanna
1714- fresh dill in a vase
1715- pizza night
1716- long soak in the tub
1717- sushi with Kenzie
1718- listening to Dave Matthews with Mark
1719- my herb garden
1720- peach juice running down my chin
1721- lavender on wooden beams
1722- gummy bears
1723- burgers on the grill
1724- tomatoes ripening on the kitchen counter
1725- a visit with Jan and Linda
1726- green mountain views
1727- a job promotion for Kenzie
1728- a gift delivered by the Fed Ex man
1729- flowers, chocolate and a romantic card
1730- conversation between brothers
1731- whistling of the pressure cooker
1732- quiet days working at home
1733- sharing tomatoes with friends who love them as much as I do
1734- frogs talking to each other at the pond
1735- a missionary's testimony on his first Sunday back in his home ward
1736- hospitals and skilled doctors
1737- remembering
1738- afternoon ride on the parkway
1739- singing primary songs with an enthusiastic group of children
1740- mama's brownie recipe
1741- Sunday visit with Mom and Dad Wray
1742- a laundry tip
1743- coming back from the garden with a basket full of food
1744- impromptu road trips
1745- American flags and gold medals
1746- dinners with sisters
1747- hugs from Dad
1748- a new point and shoot camera
1749- working through problems
1750- new books
1751- fresh pasta sauce
1752- neck and shoulder massage
1753- the bean plants that just keep on giving!
1754- a book discussion around the dinner table
1755- coming home to a clean kitchen
1756- back to school supplies
1757- brown eyes that still take my breath away
1758- my pillow
1759- a nice clean deck
1760- my laptop computer

"Oh that men (and women) would praise the Lord for his 
goodness and for his wonderful works to the children of men!"
Psalm 107:8


  1. I especially like the "American flags and gold medals".

  2. On my sister coming for a visit!!!!
