Monday, October 1, 2012

Giving Thanks for the Little Things

First Monday counting...
                       when I share entries from my Gratitude Journal

"Only he who gives thanks for the little things receives the big things.  We 
prevent God from giving us the great spiritual gifts He has in store for us, 
because we do not give thanks for daily gifts."
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
1801- color coordinating church outfits
1802- making Dillon his favorite chocolate dessert
1803- a real date night with dinner, a movie and a trip to Lowe's!
1804- apricot jam on toast
1805- pasta sauce with tomatoes, basil and garlic from my garden
1806- sleep
1807-  dump trucks full of mulch and top soil
1808- long conversations at the kitchen counter
1809- wise counsel from my bishop
1810- watermelon growing friend
1811- making the choice to go to work late so we can spend time together in the morning
1812- steamy bowls of oatmeal
1813- stacks of clean towels
1814- a slow cooking roast that makes the house smell wonderful
1815- cool mornings and evenings
1816- opportunities to grow
1817- good report from successful surgery
1818- love messages sent by text
1819- being caught up on the ironing
1820- fall scented candle
1821- strong hands massaging my back and shoulders at the end of a long day
1822- teaching a CTR class
1823- Sunday brownies
1824- working with Mark on the bee hives
1825- visiting with Bill and Betsy
1826- a son's "thank you" for dinner
1827- hug from Dillon
1828- Great Books discussion group
1829- sweater weather
1830- hydroflask water bottle
1831- purple aster
1832- candy corn
1833- a friend's help with my chickens
1834- visiting with neighbors on my morning walk
1835- living in a country with a democratic government
1836- stocking the freezer with "on sale" meat
1837- new glasses for Travis
1838- porches decorated for fall with mums and pumpkins
1839- garlic knots with parmesan cheese
1840- safe arrival of baby Gabriel
1841- visiting teaching
1842- listening to Dillon and Jantzen play music
1843- honey from our bees
1844- hiking with scouts
1845- the sound of children running and playing in the backyard
1846- bbq chicken pizza
1847- Friday evenings
1848- clean car
1849- freshly planted pansies
1850- a gardening class
1851- Relief Society broadcast
1852- a salad with pears and blue cheese
1853- soap and water
1854- sitting with Mark in church
1855- banjo music by the fire
1856- creating sesame chicken that tastes better than "take out"
1857- mom and dad safely home from vacation
1858-" post it note" messages from Kenzie
1859- turkey sandwiches on home made bread
1860- "count down to conference" chain hanging by my desk

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