Monday, November 25, 2013

"If the Savior Stood Beside Me" - An Experiment

Artist: Liz Swindle
One of the nicest things about my calling in church is the opportunity I have to watch the children present their Sacrament Meeting Presentations.  One Sunday a year (the date varies, but it's always in the fall), in Mormon churches all over the world, the primary leaders and children are given time during the worship service to present a beautiful program, based on the theme for the year.  Through song and spoken words, the adults learn the gospel from the children.  Every child is given a part, from the littlest Sunbeams to the Valiants who are just getting ready to graduate from primary and move into the youth programs.  In the Asheville Stake (which covers thirteen congregations throughout western NC and just over the line into GA),  we have primaries of all sizes, from seventy children, all the way down to four.  Every program is wonderful though, because the children are wonderful.  And the adults who are blessed to be in attendance on that day, are always amazed at how well they sing, give talks (that they've written themselves) and recite scripture.  It's a really big day for the children, who stand in front of all those adults and speak into a microphone with conviction! 

Our theme this year has been "I am a Child of God" and these are some of the things the children have learned:
* I am a Child of God and He Has a Plan for Me
*The Earth Was Created for Heavenly Father's Children
*Jesus Christ is Our Savior
*Jesus Christ Restored His Church in the Latter Days
*Prophets Teach Us to Live the Gospel
*Families are Part of Heavenly Father's Plan
*Heavenly Father Hears and Answers My Prayers
*I Will Serve God with all My Heart, Might, Mind and Strength

If you step into a primary room on any given Sunday, you will see happy children learning about Jesus and his gospel.  It's a great place to be.  The prayer of each teacher and leader is that the children will learn how much God loves them and how valuable they are to Him.  Because this testimony brings power into the life of each person who believes it, we want the children to gain this knowledge for themselves.  It's essential that we understand our worth, because when we do, we "act" like a Child of God.  When that knowledge moves from our heads to our hearts then we are well on our way to a lifelong pursuit of becoming like Christ. 

 My favorite song from the program this year is, "If the Savior Stood Beside Me".  Read the words below and then listen to the melody.  I bet you will be touched by the message.

If the Savior stood beside me,
would I do the things I do?
Would I think of his commandments and
try harder to be true?
Would I follow His example?
Would I live more righteously
if I could see the Savior standing nigh,
watching over me?

If the Savior stood beside me, would I say the
things I say?
Would my words be true and kind if He
were never far away?
Would I try to share the gospel?
Would I speak more reverently
if I could see the Savior standing nigh,
watching over me?

He is always near me though I do not see Him there,
And because He loves me dearly, 
I am in His watchful care.
So I'll be the kind of person that I know I'd
like to be if I could see the Savior standing 
nigh, watching over me.

You can listen here. 

A couple of weeks ago, as I was listening to the children sing this song, I heard a quiet whisper from the spirit that asked the question, "Could you do this? Could you live your life this week as if the Savior were standing next to you?  Every day, all day long?"  I knew I needed to accept the challenge and see how this experiment might affect me, and those around me. 

So on Monday morning, I began my experiment by making a concerted effort to think about Jesus standing next to me as I went through my daily round.  Doing laundry, cleaning house, exercising and working in the yard, cooking, etc.   All of these chores feel different when you imagine the Savior standing beside you.  I noticed a lightness of heart and a desire to do my very best, for Him. 

The beginning of the week went pretty well, because it was new and I was motivated.  When I'm working on a new goal, the first day is always the easiest.  I noticed that my prayers were more thoughtful and at night while I would too often slip into bed without taking the time to pray, I remembered my experiment and knew that if Jesus were standing near me, I would take time to talk with God.  Even if I was tired.   

I was more careful with the food I ate, knowing that my body is a temple and if Jesus were eating with me, I wouldn't binge or skip the healthy stuff and go straight for dessert.  My eating habits felt controlled and peaceful.  And I would pause to thank the Giver for the gift of good food.  I even caught myself rationing the last glass of milk one morning, because I knew Kenzie would be getting up and I wanted her to have some for her breakfast.  This is huge.  I love my milk!  But with the thought of Jesus standing near me, I was more considerate of her needs than my own.

It seemed to be a week of noticing the little things, shifting my thoughts a bit and trying to speak and act as Jesus would.  One of the biggest things I noticed was my ability to hold my tongue, when I wanted to say something that wasn't kind.  Even though I completely botched this on Tuesday morning.   I wrote this in my journal that day:

" Mark and I had a "discussion" this morning before he left for work.  I tried to hold my tongue, but it only worked for about five minutes.  It turned ugly and I cried and it was a terrible way to start a day. And this is the week I'm doing my "if the Savior stood beside me" experiment!  Ugh.  I blew it!"

Of course I felt miserable about my behavior, but because I imagined the Savior standing beside me, I was eager to be the first to apologize and ask for forgiveness.  My pride usually gets in the way and I drag my feet when it comes to saying "sorry", but this time it was easier.

As the week moved on, it was the small things that I caught myself doing, things I thought would please the Savior if he were near me.  I let people in front of me in the checkout line.  I was patient with other drivers on the road.  I took more of an interest in people who were around me, even some that I didn't know.  My focus was "others" centered instead of "me and my "get it done" list".  I was able to sit with a friend and share my beliefs, shop for gifts for poverty stricken children, pray intensely for the people in the Philippines who were without the basic necessities of life.   I did my mundane work with a good attitude, grateful for work to do. I found joy in serving my family.  

I wasn't perfect, oh no, far from it.  But when I struggled I felt the Savior's love and patience and mostly, His grace.  That might have been the best part of the experiment.  I felt His love dearly, and that made me want to be the kind of person that would please Him.  

It was a good week and it was a hard week.  But  I'm glad for the experiment, which yielded interesting results.   It gave me lots of time to reflect on what it means to be a disciple of Christ.  And even though the experiment is over, I hope it's not.  I may not be focusing as intently on the words to this song every day, but I do think more about how I would act, speak and treat myself and others if the Savior stood beside me, because He is always near me.  What a blessing it is to know that truth.


  1. You are so lovely - in every way. I'm certain you have pleased the Lord. The part about dragging your feet to say you're sorry, but this time it was easier is so sweet. What a beautiful lesson.

  2. I have always loved that song, and this is lovely as well. Sounds like something I need to try!
