Wednesday, April 6, 2016

So Many Podcasts, So Little Time

I've had several people ask me recently about the podcasts that I enjoy, so I thought I'd share them here.   If your new to the Podcast scene,  check out this post, which will answer all your questions.   The best way I can describe it to someone, is that it's like a radio show that you can listen to any time you'd like, tailor made just for you and your interests.  I have a lot of interests, and I have subscribed to more podcasts than I have time for.  Oh, so many podcasts, so little time. I do have some favorites however, that always get bumped to the top of the list.   Whenever I'm in the car, weeding the garden, cleaning house or walking dogs, I'm often listening to a podcast.  I love learning new things, and podcasts are one of the best ways I know to do that.
Happier - I love Gretchen's books,  The Happier Project, Happier at Home and Better Than Before.   I also love her podcast that she co-hosts with her sister Elizabeth.

Sorta Awesome - Even though this show is geared towards a slightly younger demographic (oh dear, I'm getting old), I still think it's awesome.  The four co-hosts are fun and often make me laugh out loud.  I've shared this podcast with some of my "younger mommy friends" and one of them commented to me, "I just love these women.  I want to be friends with all of them!"  

On Being- I love Krista Tippett's voice and interviewing style and listen to many of her episodes.  She interviews everyone from scientists and theologians to artists and teachers, searching for spirituality in different walks of life.   Scroll through her three hundred episodes and your sure to find something of interest.

The Good Life Project - Inspirational conversations and stories from people, some famous, some everyday.  This is a good one if you want to see the world through many different lens.

Sacred Ordinary Days - This is a fairly new podcast and I've enjoyed all ten episodes and have listened to some of them more than once.  The two hosts have been journeying through the liturgical year, explaining the history as well as ideas for living out the practices of  Advent, Lent, Epiphany, etc.  

Book of Mormon Central - There could be some irony in having these two podcasts side by side, but this Mormon girl leans heavily towards contemplative worship and sees no problem in adapting some of the liturgical practices to my own faith. 
The World Next Week - Since I rarely watch the news (I just can't handle it!), this podcast keeps me informed on the big stuff that's going on in the world.  I don't want to be completely ignorant.

This American Life- Ira Glass is amazing.  That is all.

Note to Self - This is a new one that I've really been enjoying.  It's about technology and learning to navigate the digital age.  Fairly short episodes that leave you with things to think about.

TED Radio Hour - Based on talks given by riveting speakers on the TED stage.  Always interesting.
If you are into food like I am, you'll love any of these. The Sporkful,  The Splendid Table, America's Test Kitchen and Bon Appetit.
You Bet Your Garden - The host is a little goofy, but so knowledgable!  I'm  a better gardener for listening to this one.  If you have a question about gardening, Mike probably has the answer.

Living Homegrown- I love this one.  Ideas on canning and preserving, artisan food crafting, gardening and small space homesteading.

Pop Culture Happy Hour - Thanks to the hosts chatting about movies, books, tv, etc, this is the only way I know anything about pop culture.  

The 5 AM Miracle - This motivational podcast is about productivity and creating powerful lifelong habits.  I've picked up a lot of good ideas from his guests and from his show.  Warning-the host is intense.
Stuff You Should Know- These guys tackle every subject imaginable in an interesting way.

What Should I Read Next -  If you're a bookworm like me, this podcast can equip you with ideas for making your next selection.  Each guest gives the titles of three books they love, one book they hate and what they are currently reading and Anne gives them suggestions for what they should read next.  I never have a problem finding the next book to read, but this is interesting and fun.  

The Simple Show - This is exactly what it sounds like, a show geared towards simplifying and living holistically with your life's purposes.  

This Is Your Life - This is a leadership podcast, with the goal of helping you live with more passion and greater focus.  I learn something that can help me in my life almost every time I listen.
The New Yorker Radio Hour - Just starting this one.  I'm excited.

Subway Liturgy-  Very inspiring.  I just wish they would publish more episodes.

Well that should be enough to get you started, if you're ready to dive into the Podcast world.  If nothing on this list, gets you excited, all you have to do is search a topic and you'll probably find a podcast that you will enjoy.  Serial is the most popular podcast out there right now and you may want to try it out.  I listened to some of the first season and decided it wasn't for me.  I noticed I was feeling stressed when I listened, and good grief, I don't want any more of that!  But obviously, lots of people love it.

Happy Listening.


  1. Wow. That is so many it overwhelms me! One of the delightful things about Oregon is that we live close to everything. But that means not much time in the car!

  2. Question for you though--how many of these do you think you listen to in a week?

  3. It depends on if I'm listening to a book on Audible or not. If I'm not, maybe five or six? The Book of Mormon podcast is very short. I usually listen to it every day. Some of the others only come out bimonthly. I certainly don't listen to every episode just the ones that sound really interesting. I have more listening time when I'm working in the garden, which is an incentive to weed. And you have to remember, I'm an empty nester and have a fair amount of time alone each day.
