Thursday, June 5, 2014

Dropping the "To Do" List

There are days when I just need to drop my "to do" list and get out in the woods.  Days when there's too much negativity and "junk" taking up space in my head.  I've learned that walking in the woods, inhaling that earthy smell, listening to bird songs and squirrels scampering around me, taking the time to look at beauty along the way, those things quiet my spirit.  The pressures of life start to fade and I can begin to feel peace.  In the quiet forest, interrupted only by the crunch of my feet on the path and a hello to an occasional hiker, I begin to hear the whisperings of truth return to my mind.  The One who knows me best reassuring me that all is well.  I am loved.

This week I had one of those days.  And I know myself well enough not to try and fight that need to escape for a few hours.  So, I put away that "list", grabbed a picnic lunch and headed to one of my favorite places ever, the Carl Sandburg home.  As I sat by the lake and enjoyed my sandwich, I began to breathe...
A hike in the woods is great, but for me, it's even better when there's a mountain to climb. 
Standing on the top of a mountain that you've just climbed and taking in the views, 
with the breeze blowing your sweaty hair off your face and the back of your neck, 
is just about a perfect experience.  So empowering!
This is the best therapy I know.  As I head back down the mountain to my car, 
I'm ready to go home and face that "list" with a much clearer perspective. 
Life is good.

1 comment:

  1. I totally love hiking...but my kids don't like me making them go with me! My dad is coming out here in August and I'm going to take him hiking!
