Monday, December 5, 2016

Cultivating Gratitude

"Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good
 thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously". 
 -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

November Blessings
- being surrounded by colored leaves
- gas in the car
-the smell of the outdoors in the fall
- wheat in storage
-gentle yoga class
-supper club with friends
-the Booths have returned to Barbados
- pie delivery for a friend
-another beautiful day
-a box of beautiful Henderson County apples
- clean clothes, folded and put away
- a podcast that made me think
-painted nails
- a quick and easy dinner
-opportunities to serve
- ear buds
- being available when someone needs me
- bacon sizzling in the pan
- celebrating Mark's birthday
-testimony meeting
- an extra hour in the morning
-squirrel silhouettes jumping from one tree to another
- pomegranate in my oatmeal
-a new job opportunity for Kenzie
-the last campaign day!
- sunrise pinks
- President Uchtdorf's conference talk
- giggling girls
-lunch on the rock
-truckload of firewood
- ice cream cones
-fall bulbs for planting
- orange and green vegetables
-fish feeding frenzy
- feeling empathy
- crafting Christmas ornaments
-slab pie
-learning pretty stitches
-fresh eggs
- holding hands to pray
- loaves of cooling bread
- a warm house on a cold morning
- pretty pictures wrapped in ribbon
-spicy soup for dinner
- mirror messages
- snuggled in bed watching Poldark
-faithful single parents
- dinner with Kenzie
-lighting candles
- sharing time by Aaronic Priesthood
- early morning conversation with LaWren
- hugs across the ocean
- first visit to Hobby Lobby
- kneading warm bread dough
-phone visit with Dad
- colorful felt
- berry smoothie
-shoebox christmas shopping 
with Dillon and Jantzen
-wedding talk with Kenzie
- Chik-fil-a
-clean dogs
- delivering bags of cookies
- creamy mashed potatoes
- a new Christmas cd
- walking in the mountains in the morning and
on the beach in the evening of the same day
-splashing with Margeaux
- hugs from family
- peppermint hot chocolate
- Travis' yummy smoothie
- crab cake and hush puppies
- Rebecca
- pinecones
- a lovely new cookbook
- burning candles
- waking up to the sound of rain
- a pretty girl all dressed in black
- clean and organized food storage
-Thanksgiving with family
- the beginning of Advent

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