Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Won't You Be My Valentine?

Two days of snow, with more in the forecast, means my calendar squares for this week have pretty much been wiped clean.  That's the thing I love most about snow days, the opportunity to stay home and do something unscheduled.  Sitting by the window watching the flakes come down, with a cup of tea and a knitting project or a good book are some of my favorite snow day activities.  But this is Valentine's week, so I've been putzing around doing other things for some special people that I love.

In the recent issue of the Martha Stewart magazine, a crafting project caught my eye.  I'm not much of a crafter, but this looked easy enough for me to handle.  Fabric envelopes in pretty patterns,  to use for tucking in a heartfelt note or maybe even a gift certificate.  This would be a perfect way to use up some scrap fabric, but since I don't sew very often, I didn't have anything that seemed suitable.  I found these fabric quarters at Michael's and the colors seemed perfect for Valentine's Day.
The first thing I did was iron the material.
Next, I carefully took apart an envelope to use as a pattern.
I painted Mod Podge on both sides of the fabric (the messy part),
and hung them up to dry.
The next day, I traced around the envelope on the wrong side of the fabric.
Then I cut out the fabric envelopes.
Using the paper envelope as a guide, I folded the fabric, creasing the edges into the center.
With a little more Mod Podge, I sealed the flaps together, placing a piece of wax paper inside the fabric envelope, until the glue dried.
I took out the wax paper and voila!  Pretty fabric envelopes.


  1. Absolutely beautiful.. if you can imagine, I have never seen these! :)

  2. Very cool! How heavy/rigid is the fabric after you've modge-podged it?

    1. Cindy, it's nice and rigid. It will easily hold a card stock weight card.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I love this!.this is my first visit to your blog.not sure I'll know how to get back to it but I sure AM enjoying it today...I don't know anything about blogs or how they work.maybe you could send me a link.I seem to do well with those...

  5. Replies
    1. You can buy it at any craft store- even Walmart.
