Monday, February 3, 2014

Seeking Contentment

First Monday counting....
                                 when I share entries from my Gratitude Journal
1- the first day of a new year
2- a juicy red grapefruit, sectioned and ready to eat
3- remembering Micah on his birthday
4- celebrating eternal families
5- red berries
6- playing with the dogs
7- black eye peas and collard greens
8- one less vehicle in the driveway
9- restoring order
10- waking up to the surprise of a white world
11- John 16:33
12- new projects
13- a wood stove, cranking out the heat
14- Friday roses
15- chicken picatta
16- popcorn and orange juice
17- teamwork, while taking down the Christmas tree
18-dinner date at Hobnobs
19- First Sunday Sunbeams
20- hearing these words, " your pizza is so much better than restaurant pizza"
21- waking up in a warm house
22- a pot of soup loaded with vegetables
23- a good night's rest
24- hummus and veggies, a healthy snack
25- lavender scented bath
26- watching the sunrise in the rearview mirror
27- feeling the warmth of a little patch of sunlight
28- liberal amounts of avocado
29- singing along with a fun commercial
30- a new residence for Kenzie, that makes her really happy
31- childlike faith
32- curling up on the love seat to watch a favorite tv show
33- shrinking numbers on the scale
34- a lovely mom-to-be
35- waking up in time to see a beautiful pink sky outside my bedroom windows
36- clean laundry
37- pulling a meal from the freezer, so I don't have to cook!
38- hugs from my sons
39- watching a red headed woodpecker fly between trees
40- crisp white sheets on the bed
41- being pleasantly surprised when something isn't nearly as bad as you expected
42- dinner prepared by headlamp
43- old pictures and the stories that go with them
44- visiting with dad and Yvonne
45- being disciplined when it's easier not to
46- cruise control
47- a goodnight text
48- "happy to see you" doggie greetings
49- birds at feeders
50- a flood of memories
51- cows, grazing on pasture
52- safe travels
53- kale chips
54- seeing friends you haven't seen in a while
55- date night
56- the release of a good and faithful bishop
57- a full tank of propane
58- elevating the heartbeat
59- feeling accomplished
60- order in my closet
61- rose scented drawer liners
62- warm water
63- listening to the wind howl from under warm blankets
64- a thoughtful card from Mark
65- being at the right place at the right time
66- a grandmother's smile
67- freedom to choose a different way
68- singing Stevie Nick's songs with the next generation
69- yarn in lovely hues
70- watching the sun sink below the horizon
71- tree branches, heavy with snow
72- spaghetti, twirled on my fork
73- snow beards
74- boots crunching on a snowy path
75- pausing for a cup of afternoon tea
"A quiet heart is content with what God gives.  It is enough.  All is grace."
Elisabeth Elliot

1 comment:

  1. I want your life...and then I remember the forget me nots and the lesson to not compare yourself to others. but I can't help thinking how does she do all she does...
