Saturday, February 15, 2014

Goldens In the Snow

A storm like this is big news in NC.  Just when I was beginning to give up hope for a "real" snow, we've been dumped on!  I've been trying to enjoy every minute of it, because it's supposed to be in the 50's this weekend, and it will all melt.  Ahhh, winter in the south.  Before the snow had even stopped, I grabbed a flashlight, warm coat and two very eager dogs and headed out the door for a night walk.  What a peaceful experience.  I loved it!
The next morning, my deck looked like this.
After running out the door, barefoot and in my jammies, I stuck the ruler in the snow and ran back in the house to grab the camera.  Only then did I realize it would have been better to put it in the  other direction.  Oh well.  We can do the math.
I've been out three or four times since then, walking around the farm, snapping pictures, trying to catch the light at different times of the day.
My favorite thing by far has been watching my dogs play in the snow.  Oh. my. gosh.  I've never seen dogs that love the snow more than these two.  I've laughed my head off, watching them jump, dive, roll, and run, as I've tried my best to capture some of their excitement with my camera.  Moving targets are challenging.
And now it's time for some snow removal.  Thanks to my hubby and his little red tractor, I guess I'll be able to get off the mountain tomorrow.  I've sure enjoyed the slower pace of a couple of good snow days, though.


  1. They have a couple of lion cubs at the zoo here and on the news they showed them playing in the snow--it was so cute!

  2. LWinters- you have the prettiest dogs!! I love these pics!
