Monday, January 18, 2016

Turn Back and Let Peace Rule

" Let the peace of God rule in your hearts...  Let the word of
Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and 
admonishing one another...singing with grace in your hearts.
 And whatsoever you do in word and deed, do all in the
 name of Jesus Christ giving thanks to God the Father by him."
Colossians 3:15-17

I've been ponderizing  these scriptures this week in the early hours. Peace is something I covet.  There are things I can do that help me feel peaceful.  I start each day in quiet ways and I try not to over schedule myself, as that's one sure way to rob me of peace.  I keep serious lists that keep me on task and prevent me from missing out on appointments and obligations.  Sometimes things slip through the cracks, but most of the time it works.  I love the peaceful feeling I have as I leave a yoga class or when I'm out walking the dogs.  Knowing what I'm having for dinner before five o'clock and staying on top of housework and laundry lend to a peaceful atmosphere in our home.  I find sitting in the celestial room of the temple to be one of the most peaceful places on earth.  Over the years I've learned, that these are things I can do to help me feel peaceful.  For the most part, these are things that are within my control.
So, what robs me of peace?  It's the emotions I struggle with that threaten to bring me down.  The hard stuff of relationships, the messy day to day living with people who are all carrying their own burdens, some I'm not even aware of, and my personal struggle to feel of value and worth.  When I let fear or anger into my heart, I lose peace.  When I'm feeling frustrated with others or myself,  I lose peace.  When I feel jealous or prideful, I lose peace.  Fear, anger, jealousy and pride?  I don't want those things to rule my heart, but often, they do.  When these negative emotions reign, I'm under someone else's control and need to repent.  I need to "turn back".
Turn back.  I can let the peace of God rule my heart, not my emotions, nor the emotions of others!  As I continue to turn to Him throughout the day, "always remembering Him", He will bless me with this peace.  This is what I know in my mind, but living it out can be difficult.  It's easy for me to start my day focused on Christ, feeling positive and upbeat, but then the day accelerates and I become busy with my to do list. The struggles of life (we all have them) start weighing in on me and the emotions start to take over.  I find myself snapping at someone I love.  The mother fears kick in and I begin to worry about my family and their struggles.  I begin to doubt the good that I'm trying to do and wonder if I'm living out the life that God had intended for me.  Before I know it,  I've lost those peaceful feelings that I enjoyed at the beginning of the day.  It's not easy to keep turning back and recentering myself on the Lord.  It takes intentional practice.

 I want His peace to rule my heart and the verses that follow give me clues as to how I can have it.

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly 
in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another.

I must take the time to put the words of Christ into my mind and heart each day and then sit with it, carry it around with me as I go through the day, think about how it applies to my life .  This is ponderizing and what Paul calls letting His word dwell in you richly.  On more than one occasion, I've felt prompted to share with others insights I've received from my scripture study.  I love it when friends do the same for me.  The Lord is teaching us, not only for ourselves, but for the blessing of others. 

And whatsoever you do in word and deed, 
do all in the name of Jesus Christ giving thanks
to God and the Father by him.

Here is an interesting exercise: go about your day, doing everything as if it were for Christ himself, and give thanks in the process.  Give thanks for the work you have to do.  Make the beds, do the laundry, cook dinner, visit with friends, pay the bills, run errands, and so forth, just normal stuff and do it all as if it were for Christ.  It can change an ordinary day into something very special. 

As I fill my heart with His words and remember to be thankful and live my life for Him, I begin to recognize the spirit guiding my conversations and filling my mind with ideas as to how I can work through my challenges. This brings a gentle confidence that helps restore peace as the stress starts to melt away.   

I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.  No one understands me like He does.  He is there to offer me strength in every moment and to bless me with His peace, even peace that passeth all understanding. This I know, because I've experienced it for myself.  Such grace.  Committing these scriptures to memory reminds me that everyday I can "turn back" and have peace rule my heart.  That's what I want and it's worth working for.  

*Take the Time goal #2 - Start the day with scripture and prayer.

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