Thursday, January 7, 2016

Take the Time

Do you like to think of a "word" for the new year?  A word that helps keep you focused on your hopes, desires and plans for the next twelve months?   I've done this for a while now and enjoy the exercise.  My words thus far  have been Grow, Grace, Family,(this one rated two posts.) and Listen.  I've tried to come up with a word for 2016, and I've had a few possibilities, but they didn't feel just right to me.  The best I can do is come up with three words that keep rolling around in my head.  So, this year I have a phrase, and it is,
Take the Time.

As I get older, I think more and more about time, and the responsibility to use it wisely.  Seems it can be a friend or foe, depending on the day and my circumstances. This is the double nickel year for me.  Yep, I'll be turning fifty-five, and though I don't get bent out of shape about my age, it is a reality check that time is moving on and my days are numbered.  I want to use the time allotted to me in the very best way I can, without regret.
Five years ago, when I turned fifty, I did this crazy experiment of setting fifty goals of things I wanted to achieve in that monumental year,  and I started a blog to track my progress. That was super scary, as I knew so little about technology.  It was a good challenge though.  I taught myself the blogging basics and humbly put it out there, unsure what would happen as a result.  It's a little
embarrassing now to go back and read some of that stuff, but it's my life and I'm glad I took the time to write about it.  That's the main reason I continue to blog.  It's one of the most interesting ways I know to journal the ins and outs of daily life.  My year of fifty turned out to be one of the best years of my life, because I was intentional with my time, always thinking about those goals and how I could achieve them.  I made new friends and amazing memories along the way, and a number of the things I tried have stuck and become a regular part of my life (like photography, blogging and yoga). 

This past week I've devoted time to thinking about goals for the new year.  Unlike some people I know, goals is not a dirty word to me.  In fact, I thrive on them.  I sat down and did a quick brain dump and very quickly came up with a long list of things I'd like to accomplish, like more than fifty-five!  But I'm holding it to that number, because it correlates with my age, and I think that's fun. I seriously doubt I will get them all done, and that's ok. This kind of thing doesn't make me feel pressured in the least, it simply
motivates me. 
Now, back to my phrase for the year - take the time. I'm going to try my best to "take the time" to grow in all areas of my life.  Too often I catch myself saying, "I don't have time...(fill in the blank)" and that's not true.  At this season in life, I'm blessed with time.  I have the same twenty-four hours a day that everyone else has and the luxury of filling that time as I see fit, or as directed by God, because above all I seek to do His will. It's a priority thing, and sometimes that can be difficult to figure out.  Having this phrase, take the time, helps me to think about my choices and decide what I want or need to be doing on any given day.  What is most important?  Just this past week, I have redirected myself on a couple of occasions, when I thought that I was too busy to something.  I really did have the time, I was just choosing to do something else instead.  A wise woman taught me that we can not do all the things that our hearts desire.  Not even all the good things.  As disciples of Christ, we trust that the Lord will guide our days and bend our hearts to comply with His will.  When we do the necessary things that bring us closer to Him, He will bless us with time to do many of the other things that we would like to do.  Just plain old fun things, that bring us joy, because He delights in blessing us. 
(Photo Credit:Rebecca Wray.  She not only makes beautiful babies, she takes good pictures too.) 

The List 
(Oh, how I love a good list!)

1- Keep up with my gratitude journal.
( I started this way back here and continue to find value in the discipline.)

2- Start the day with scripture and prayer.
( The best part of the day!)

3-Attend BYU Women's Conference
(Look out Sagers. Here I come.)

4-Read the Book of Mormon.

5- Use a Bullet Journal.
(I'm loving this new way to plan/journal.)

6- Work on hand lettering.
(To make #5 look better.)

7-Read fifty-five books.
( I have taken a drastic move and banned myself from purchasing any 
new books this year.  I am going to read from the huge stacks of unread
 books sitting around here, or from the library.  I will however continue to 
use my Audible account and accept gifts. :)

8- Learn to knit mittens.
(I've got dishcloths, hats and scarves down pat.  I've
knitted one pair of socks, although I have no idea
how I did it.  This year, I'm moving on to mittens. 
Maybe eventually, I'll go back to socks.)

9- Spend lots of time with my grandbaby!
(This one's going to be so hard.  NOT!)

10- Plan and execute a family beach vacation.
(I may be the only family member who shows up, but it's going to be fun!)
11- Grow a new variety of dahlia.
( I waited too late to dig up the dahlia I planted last year, 
so I'm starting from scratch. So sad.)

12-Master making my own sauerkraut.
(The last two attempts have not been successful.)

13-No scrolling on screens after Mark gets home. Put the phone away!
(This one's going to be hard.  It will require much discipline)

14-Blog three times a week.
(Or when I have something worth saying.)

15- Backpack on the AT with Dillon and Jantzen.
(I so hope this happens.  I'm wanting to hike the Georgia section.)

16-Participate in as many Friday hikes as possible.
(Oh, how I love my Hiking Club!)

17- Eat less meat.
(Because I know it's better for me.)

18- Continue my yoga practice.
( One of the best things I can do for myself.)

19- Reinstate weekly date nights.
(Mornings or afternoons. We did so well with this for a while...) 

20- Make pasta once a month. 
(Dusting off the pasta machine)
21- Learn to make gingerale.
( I heard a podcast about this and I'm intrigued.)

22- Take a math class.
(Yuck.  But I really need to do this.)

23- Start teaching a series of cooking classes.
( So nervous about this one.  The fear of failure is real.  Would anyone come?)

24- Create a quilted project.
(Notice I didn't say a quilt.  I'm starting small.)

25- Organize photos.
(How many years have I been working on this one?)

26- Make a book from my Year of Fifty blog.
(Because I need to preserve all the work that went into this.)

27- More visits with extended family.
( Putting it on the calendar is the only way it happens.)

28- Float the French Broad in a  canoe.
( With my husband.  See #19)

29- Take an interesting road trip.  
(Go somewhere I've not been before.)

30- Find a way to volunteer in the community.
(Something that makes my heart really happy. I've got some ideas.)
31-Walk the dogs and visit with neighbors.
(Two for one.)

32- Make homemade dog biscuits. 
(They're worth it and I have a cool bone shaped cookie cutter.)

33- Make menus each week. Work on eliminating food waste.
(Food waste makes me crazy.)

34- Find a green smoothie recipe that I like.
(It can't taste like grass.)

35- Learn more about aromatherapy.
( I want to know what to do with those essential oils.)

36-Walk, sit and read on a beach.
(Maybe fly a kite too.)

37-Work on end of life plans.
(How depressing.)

38- Take lots of pictures. Lots.
(Learn more about light and food photography.)

39- Attend at least four cultural events.
(Plays, the symphony, art exhibits, etc.)

40- Learn to make soap- the old fashioned way.
( Lye. Yikes!  But I'm ready to move on from the pour and mold soap.)
41- Learn to identify birds by their calls.
(I don't know why.  I just think it would be neat.)

42- Renew an old friendship.
(I have a few people in mind here.)

43-Go geocaching.
( This sounds so fun!)

44- Write letters to missionaries.
( I have the incentive to be better at this, because one of 
my dearest friends is leaving soon on a mission.)

45-Attend the temple monthly.
(Another thing that only happens for me when it's a 
regular planned event.  Always time well spent.)

46-Learn to make pretty pie crusts.
( I would dare say I have the best pie crust recipe around, 
but my pies aren't pretty.  I want to make pretty pies.)

47-Participate in a money saving challenge.
( For my travel fund.)

48- Look people in the eye when I'm talking with them.
(Just a little personal defect that I'm aware of, and wanting to do better.)

49- Bone up on some technology skills.
(Learn how to use Evernote.  And try to figure out the Cloud. 
 What the heck?  I just don't get the Cloud.)

 50-Start a cookbook project.  Blog it.
( Pulling cookbooks off the shelf and trying new recipes 
on a regular basis.  I got three great ones for Christmas!)
51-Get new chickens and try again.
(Maybe...  I want to do this.  I miss having chickens.  I don't miss the work.)

52- Grow lots of wonderful vegetables in my garden.
(I need rabbits to stay away from my beets
and peaches not to get brown rot.)

53-Learn to make cheese.
( I really, really want to do this.)

54- Clean out storage areas.
( I really, really, don't want to do this,  
but I will be so happy when it's done.)

55-Try out a new restaurant each month. 
(Oh boy! I just love goals.)

Ready. Set. Go!

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